Title: To Sin with a VikingAuthor: Michelle WillinghamGenre: HistoricalPublisher: Harlequin HistoricalPub Date: July 23, 2013ISBN-13: 978-0373297504Available from
This wonderful story takes place in Ireland, in 875 AD.
Caragh O Bannon's tribe live on the Irish coast. The land's stricken with drought and the harvest has failed. Many people have died of starvation, and Caragh's so weak that she knows that she will die soon too. Her parents are dead, and her older brothers have left to find food. Caragh's youngest brother, Brendan, stays to look after her. He's only 17.
When a Viking longship appears, Brendan makes a mistake. He and some other youths capture a woman. He holds her with a knife at her throat.
A Viking lunges at Brendan, so Caragh knocks him unconscious. With help, she drags him into her hut, and chains him up.
Styr Hardrata, Caragh's Viking captive, is married to Elena, the woman Brendan threatened and took captive. Styr's desperate to break free, and find his wife. He vows vengeance on the Irish if she's harmed. He's enraged at Caragh. However, he soon softens towards her. Although he escapes his chains, rather than harming Caragh, he takes her fishing and feeds her and the villagers.
Several days later, Caragh's brothers return. They agree to join forces with Styr to find Elena, Brendan, and Styr's men. They need to sail to Áth Cliath. (Modern-day Dublin.) It's a Viking settlement.
On the journey, Caragh and Styr fall in love.
What I Liked About the BookMichelle Willingham does a wonderful job in evoking the era. You feel Caragh's desperation that there's no food. The romance was tender, and was the focus of the book, which I read in one sitting.
What I Didn't LikePerhaps "didn't like" is too strong. I enjoyed the book on the whole. However, an early scene in which the Vikings allow themselves to be captured by starving Irish tribesmen seemed convenient, rather than possible. (The justification was that the Vikings had been through a bad storm, and hadn't slept for days.)
A scene late in the book was disquieting too. Styr's been holding onto his honor as a married man who won't admit his love for Caragh, then something happens between them. (I won't spoil it. You'll need to read it yourself.)
On the whole, I liked the book a lot. What's not to like about hot Vikings? :-)
Apparently Styr's wife Elena is getting her own book, so we have that to look forward to. This book is for you if you enjoy Viking romances.
Rating: 4 (out of 5 stars)
(A review copy was provided.)
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