Want to develop a writing habit? You can.
Here are five very simple steps.
1. Schedule time for your writing every day
For something to become a habit you have to train yourself. So every day, at the time you choose, sit down and write.
This is purely mechanical. No effort is required. Sit. Write.
2. When you're writing, write without expectation
When you write, write without expectation. Stay in the moment, and focus on what you're doing.
It takes around 11 minutes to change from one mind state to another, so after 11 minutes, you'll start to feel "inspired" and will write easily. Again, this is mechanical. It's just the way your mind works. :-)
When you're writing, write whatever you feel like writing. Make no demands on yourself, and expect nothing of yourself other than that in the time you choose to write, you will write.
3. Don't talk about your writing until it's finished
Whether you're writing a book, an article, a short story or anything else, don't talk about the project when you're writing it, however long the project takes to complete.
If people (relatives or other) ask about your writing, tell them they can read it when you're finished. That should shut them up. :-)
When you talk about a writing project you dissipate the energy you'll need to complete it, so don't do it.
4. Set goals for your writing
You need goals.
But remember that when you write (step #2), you should write without expectation for whatever you produce in that particular session.
List your goals.
Choose a primary short-term goal from your list of goals. You may choose to write a book in 12 months (or in three months, if you have the time); a short story in a week; and article in three days - whatever. The goal you choose doesn't matter; what matters is that you set goals.
Review your goals once a day. Reading over your writing goals ensures that your goals stay in your thoughts.
5. Relax about writing
Relax already. Writing is not difficult, and it's not brain surgery either. When you write, you'll improve - writing is a skill which improves with practice.
The first four steps lead to step #5 - being relaxed about your writing. Once you're completely relaxed, you'll have formed a writing habit.
Just follow the steps. :-)
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