Gotta blog? Good. Creating and maintaining a blog shows commitment to your writing, and if there's ONE thing which will guarantee writing success, it's commitment.
Because I love writers and bloggers, here are five points I wish writer/ bloggers would keep in mind when creating New Year's resolutions:
1. Stop the whining already
What is it with writers who blog? All writers. Bestselling writers whine on their blogs, aspiring writers whine... Blogger dearest, if I want whining, I can get it any day of the week in daily life. I don't need to read a blog to get whining.
Your readers read you for inspiration and a little light in their lives, not to become depressed.
So stop it.
If you need a cathartic outlet for your spleen, use a personal journal. I'm a big fan of Life Writing - that is, writing through the challenges of your life. However, that stuff belongs in a personal journal, not on a public blog.
(BTW - I've included lots of Life Writing exercises in Your EveryDay Write - Life Writing is good for you: you'll work through many challenges and blocks.)
2. Write what you want to write, and what you think
It's your blog. Write what you like. You don't need anyone's approval, and you're as entitled to your beliefs and opinions as anyone else.
And following on from that...
3. Delete vicious comments fast - set your comments to "require approval"
You're under no obligation to allow mean-spirited people to post comments. Indeed, you're under no obligation to allow anyone to post comments. See #2.
4. Give your readers a takeaway with each post
When you blog, your aim is to get readers, and you'll attract readers when you come up with nuggets of information and entertainment. You're not writing War and Peace. (Although you could be, of course, if you're blooking... :-)
Share your writing life. Share what works for you - and what doesn't. (But watch #1.)
5. Focus your blog - one subject per blog
Your blog needs to be about something. Pick something to blog about, and stick to it. This means that if your blog is about mystery novels, or writing short stories, or you're blogging your latest book, stick to the point.
Of course, you can write the occasional post about your life if you wish, but make it very occasional. If you're blogging your family life, that's fine, but it belongs on another blog - your "my family blog". You can have more than one blog, and if you have many interests, start a blog for each.
Interested in pro blogging? Read Blogging for Dollars.
Technorati Tags: blog your writing
Thank you for your writing and advice. I do not comment much, but I do read your blog with much interest. I also wish you and your family a very Happy New Year.
Posted by: lilalia | December 27, 2007 at 04:00 AM