Writing is messy. You've got countless documents, both physical and virtual, that you need to keep track of.
If you're writing fiction, you've got plot and character notes, research, and endless drafts. If you're writing nonfiction, you've got drafts, proposals, research materials and references.
If you're a copywriter, you'll got marketing materials, headlines, brainstorms, drafts and concepts to track.
I've always believed that most writers' procrastination is the result of CONFUSION. For each and every project you need to track many ideas and lots of information. It's easy to get lost -- you lose your train of thought, and lose your enthusiasm for the project.
If you own a Mac, download Curio. No, I hadn't heard of this program either -- but it's brilliant (and no, I've got no connection to Curio) and it will make my life easier.
From the site:
Curio lets your mind run wild with an unlimited number of creative idea spaces. Unlike notebook-style applications, Curio lets you place anything anywhere on the page. Create freeform collages of checklists, outlines, text snippets, images, movies, and sounds. Grab URL's, images, and text from the web. And embed or alias to any project-related files and documents, arranging them visually regardless of how they are organized on your hard disk.
The big benefit of Curio is that it lets you see your "stuff" in one place. As you get an idea, create an Idea Space for it -- just drag all your documents and images into the space, and brainstorm right in the Idea Space.
Curio combines the functions of outliners, mind maps, drawing programs and document managers in one nifty interface -- give the program a try (you can trial it free for 15 days) -- you'll love it.
Would you like to end your writing procrastination today and become prolific writer? You can with Angela Booth's ebook "Top 70 Writing Tips To Help You To Write More".
Discover how to get inspired on demand, five ways to turn off your inner editor, and dozens of way to increase your confidence and writing skill. Whether you're a student or a professional writer, this ebook helps you to take charge of your writing.
Technorati Tags: procrastination, productivity, software
Thanks for the heads up on Curio. I have been wondering how I am going to organize everything in an upcoming project. I was thinking poster boards all over my walls. I think I'll try Curio instead:)
Posted by: Scott | August 27, 2005 at 07:04 AM
How would you compare this to Tinderbox or Devonthink? Despite the obvious interface differences, do they serve different purposes? I'm currently trying to choose a main brain for the Powerbook I'm shopping for.
Posted by: JV | September 30, 2005 at 01:36 AM